Carbon is one of the 118 elements that make our planet, it is used to make coral & shellfish then gets turned into limestone. Carbon is in every life form like rocks and soil, hummus has 70% carbon in it. Carbon can form with other atoms to make something new e.g Co2. Carbon can be found in millions of different forms e.g coal, oil, diamonds, and carbon dioxide (Co2). What is global warming? Burning fossil fuels and C02 causes global warming, global climate change. Since the industrial revolution, humans have been burning fossil fuels e.g coal, wood, gas, and oil. Co2 and greenhouse gasses cause climate change by trapping heat. It causes air pollution and increases wildfires. What are carbon sinks? Well, it is a system that absorbs more carbon than it releases. There are three main carbon sinks: forests, oceans, and soil. Sinks absorb carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere but then the soil gets the carbon dioxide when the tree dies. The first sink is. Forest sinks: Durin...